Miss Julianne Burch
Music Teacher
- Bachelor of Science (Music Education | Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester NY)
- Master of Arts (Music Education | Nazareth College, Pittsford NY)
Miss Burch, a native of Rochester, New York, moved to Cincinnati to offer a high-quality classical musical education at Cincy Classical. Miss. Burch’s music career began at birth when she realized how much she loved to sing. Her passion for music grew when she began learning the clarinet, which eventually became her primary instrument in college. Miss. Burch taught in several public schools throughout the greater Rochester area before moving into her current position as the K-2 music teacher at Cincy Classical. When she is not teaching, she plays clarinet with the Cincinnati Community Orchestra and participates in community activities. She also enjoys contra dancing and spending quality time with family and friends. “The move to Cincinnati was beyond worth it! The Hillsdale K-12 classical schools are where students learn to love learning,” she says!
Favorite Classical Quote
“Far and away, the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”
Theodore Roosevelt
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